IACA has many has many opportunities for you to help to meet its mission. Whether it is helping out at the monthly masses, or the annual pilgrimage, there are several areas in which we could really use your help. For example, the Liturgical Ministry and Music Ministry are a good way to get involved. Take a look at the different roles and descriptions, and if you are interested, please submit the Volunteer Form so that we may contact you for upcoming events.
Volunteer & Serve
IACA has many has many opportunities for you to help to meet its mission. Whether it is helping out at the monthly masses, or the annual pilgrimage, there are several areas in which we could really use your help. For example, the Liturgical Ministry and Music Ministry are a good way to get involved. Take a look at the different roles and descriptions, and if you are interested, please submit the Volunteer Form so that we may contact you for upcoming events.